I am using a generic repository
using System.Data.Entity; ... public class GenericRepository<T>:IGenericRepository<T> where T : class { private NorthwindEntities db = null; private DbSet<T> table = null; public GenericRepository(NorthwindEntities db) { this.db = db; table = db.Set<T>(); } public T SelectByID(object id) { return table.Find(id); } ... }
here "table.Find(id)" would need a library of "System.Data.Entity", which is in the package "EntityFramework". After I installed the "EntityFramework" package, I got a
The dependency "EntityFramework": "6.1.3" does not support framework NetCorApp, Version = V1.0
I have tried "EntityFrameworkCore" package, but it doesn't know "System.Data.Entity". What should I do?