I've tried the MSDN forums, but didn't get a solution there. This is likely a better place to post this question anyway.
I have a brand new "ASP.NET Core Web Application (.NET Framework) Web API" application that I'm writing in Visual Studio 2015 and hosting on Azure. I need a third-party DLL included in the build and in the publish. I got this working just fine locally (though I'm not happy with some of the hard-coding in my "DestinationFolder" setting in my project file - how do I avoid hard-coding "net462\win7-x64"?!). However, I can't seem to get the publishing to Azure to recognize it. Whether I add it in the project file or add it to my publish profile (i.e. ".pubxml" file), it doesn't seem to get recognized. I've tried both a publish directly to the service, which I would expect would use "CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForMsdeployDependsOn" and a publish to the file system, which I would expect would use "CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForPackageDependsOn". Neither seem to get recognized.
Everything I can find when I'm searching for solutions refers to older technology. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!