I have inherited a very large application which is HTML/Ajax with a Classic ASP backend for handling the Ajax API requests.
I want to convert this application to an ASP.NET app for many reasons; to achieve this more quickly and easily (as I am the sole developer, IT guy, support, design etc!) I want to still be able to use the existing Classic ASP API calls and slowly convert the calls one-by-one to C# WebApi controller methods.
I would prefer to start off with an ASP.NET 5 app but as the pipeline has all changed it wont/doesnt know how to handle old .ASP files ... does anyone know if:
- MS be adding support for ASP files in ASP.NET 5?
- there is a way to hook in handling of ASP files in the ASP.NET 5 pipeline; perhaps with an OWIN Middleware which communicates with the old ASP ISAPI Filter, this same proxy middleware could be used to provide support for PHP and other systems within an ASP.NET5 project?
Hoping someone can give me positive information :-)
Thanks all.