I have a solution in VS 2015 Pro with 2 projects, one was running beta5 and the other WebApi 2.
Both x64 and no problems launching in IIS Express x64.
I updated to beta 8. Web Tools and version 1.2 of x64 HttpPlatformHandler.
Now even though x64 IIS is still selected in VS the beta 8 project starts IIS Express x86 and runs fine.
However when launching (F5) the Web API 2 project IIS Express crashes with the following error "The Module DLL 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Web Tools\HttpPlatformHandler\HttpPlatformHandler.dll' could not be loaded due to a configuration problem. The
current configuration only supports loading images built for a AMD64 processor architecture."
I'm at a complete loss as why this is happening, any ideas?
Am I missing something?
Also, the WebApi 2 project runs fine with x64 full IIS.