In Visual Studio 2015 on an MVC project I am trying to use the bower package manager over Nuget for the first time.
I am using the MvcMovies tutorial for an example at:
In the tutorial there is a bower.json file:
{"name": "","private": true,"dependencies": {"bootstrap": "3.3.6","jquery": "2.2.0","jquery-validation": "1.14.0","jquery-validation-unobtrusive": "3.2.6" } }
and it installs the bootstrap distributable in the following structure under wwwroot/lib:
[How do you insert images on this site?]
But when I try to recreate this in my own project with the following bower.json it doesn't look right:
{"name": "", "private": true,"dependencies": {"bootstrap": "3.3.7" } }
Here is a screen shot in my project:
[How do you install images on this site?]
First of all there is no fonts folder and from what I understand the Bootstrap distributable is supposed to look like the first screen shot. Also there is an extra scss folder. How can I get my project to act more like the MvcMovie tutorial when I do this. My alternative is to just put the files where I want by hand.