Hello everyone, I have a problem with the trap once the click of a html element "li" in javascript, with the following code when I click on an element "li" of folder 4 is unleashed on the click event also elements parent:
<!doctype html><html lang="it"><head><title>Test click</title></head><body><h1>Test click</h1><p>This is a tree!</p><div id="container"><div id="folderstree"><ul id="myFoldersTree"><li id="root" onClick="folder_click(this.id)"><a href="#">root</a><ul id="myGroupNode1"><li id="node1"><a href="#" class="folder1">Files</a></li></ul><ul id="myGroupNode2"><li id="node2"><a href="#">Nuova_cartella</a></li></ul><ul id="myGroupNode5"><li id="node5" onClick="folder_click(this.id)"><a href="#">Nuova_cartella_4</a><li id="node6" onClick="folder_click(this.id)"><a href="#">prova41</a></li><li id="node7"><a href="#">prova42</a></li><li id="node8"><a href="#">prova43</a></li><li id="node9"><a href="#">prova44</a></li></u></li></ul></li></ul></div></div></body></html><script type="text/javascript"> function folder_click(clicked_id){ alert(clicked_id); } </script>
I have already seen many articles but have not managed to avoid the propagation of the event click at the parents tag.
Please I need to solved with the pure javascript, no other libraries. It's very strange this side effect because the event is associated with the single tag html.