Not sure where I am going wrong. I have a wizard type form. On the form I have a next and back button. So far I have the next button working which is fine as this is intentional at this stage. On this particular form in the sequence I want to add a third button for Add Another Procedure.
View Code:
@{ ViewData["Title"] = "Add Procedure"; }<h2>Add Procedure To Quote</h2><form asp-action=" " method="post"><div class="form-horizontal"><hr /><div asp-validation-summary="ModelOnly" class="text-danger"></div><div class="form-group"><label class="col-md-2 control-label">Quote</label><div class="col-md-10"><select asp-for="QuoteID" class="form-control" asp-items="ViewBag.QuoteID" id="quoteID"><option>---Select Quote ---</option></select></div></div> ......<div class="form-group"><div class="col-md-offset-2 col-md-10"><input type="submit" value="Add Another Procedure" formaction="AddAnotherProcedure" id="buttonrefresh" /></div></div><div class="form-group"><div class="col-md-offset-2 col-md-10"><input type="submit" value="<Back" class="btn btn-default" /> <input type="submit" value="Next>" formaction="QuoteSalesProcedure" /></div></div></div></form>
Then in the controller I have:
// POST: QuoteProcedures/AddAnotherProcedure // To protect from overposting attacks, please enable the specific properties you want to bind to, for // more details see [HttpPost] [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public async Task<IActionResult> AddAnotherProcedure([Bind("EstimateMinutes,FrequencyID,ProcedureID,Quantity,QuoteID")] QuoteProcedure quoteProcedure) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { _context.Add(quoteProcedure); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return RedirectToAction("QuoteSalesAnotherProcedure", new { id = quoteProcedure.QuoteID }); } } catch (DbUpdateException /* ex */) { //Log the error (uncomment ex variable name and write a log. ModelState.AddModelError("", "Unable to save changes. " +"Try again, and if the problem persists " +"see your system administrator."); } return RedirectToAction("QuoteSalesAnotherProcedure", new { id = quoteProcedure.QuoteID }); } // GET: QuoteProcedures/Create public IActionResult QuoteSalesAnotherProcedure(int id) { ViewData["FrequencyID"] = new SelectList(_context.Frequency.OrderBy(i => i.iFrequency), "FrequencyID", "iFrequency"); ViewData["ProcedureID"] = new SelectList(_context.Procedures.OrderBy(p => p.ProcedureName), "ProcedureID", "ProcedureName"); ViewData["QuoteID"] = new SelectList(_context.Quote.Include(q => q.QuoteRequest).OrderBy(q => q.QuoteRequest.QDescription),"QuoteID", "QuoteRequest.QDescription", id); ViewData["IDD"] = id; return View(); }
However this doesn't seem to work. My intent is to save the current procedure and reload the form.
If I get the form to reload, with mucking about, it doesn't save the record to the table and the next button fails to respond. If I get the record to save then it doesn't reload for the next procedure so I assume it is going to the original create method.
Clearly I am not following something? What is the issue? How have I misunderstood?