Hello, i want to put a custom attribute on an html element from a string variable like this:
@{ string foo = "data-foo=hi";<div @foo>Hello</div> }
This will turn the final html into this:
<div data-foo="hi">Hello</div>
However, if there is a asp.net core taghelper on it (IDE will show the html with purple color) like this:
@{ string foo = "data-foo=hello";<script asp-append-version="true" @foo></script> }
Then it doesn't work. The IDE will show the "@foo" with red color. Its supposed to show the "@" with yellow color.
So my solution right now is doing it like this:
@{ string foo = "hello";<script asp-append-version="true" data-foo="@foo"></script> }
Now it works.
But i have a situation where i absolutely need to do it where the string foo is "data-foo=hello".
Is there any way i can achieve that?