I have an empty ASP.NET Core WebAPI project setup in Visual Studio 2017. It compiled fine with some AngularJS files and index.html. I am trying to change by JS files to TS and add a transpiler via Gulp. The gulp transpile is completing successful and creating the JS files. The problem is when I go to build in Visual Studio it throws tons of errors related to the jquery typings file in the node_modules directory (which is not even included in the project).
...node_modules\@types\jquery\index.d.ts(47,40): error TS1005: Build:',' expected.
I installed both angular and jquery typings using the following commands:
npm install @types/angular
Here is my current tsconfig.json:
{"compilerOptions": {"target": "ES5","noImplicitAny": false,"removeComments": false,"sourceMap": false,"allowJs": false,"lib": ["dom","es5","scripthost","es2015.iterable" ] },"include": ["./Scripts/**/*.ts" ],"compileOnSave": true }
I tried one website's suggestion of including a jsconfig.json file with the following settings (but it did not work):
{"exclude": ["./wwwroot","./node_modules" ] }
Any ideas on what is wrong with Visual Studio and why these errors are coming up?