I created a class library sdi-sdk-net that appears to be compatible with DNX 4.5.1 and DNX Core 5.0.
It builds and dumps DLLs into "Debug\net451" and "Debug\dotnet5.4".
I am trying to reference the class library in my main project.
When I first add the reference to the 4.5.1 DLL I am given an error stating that the class is not available for Core 5, as I would expect. It says it is available for 4.5.1.
When I add the reference to the Core 5 DLL the error changes to state that the class is not available for 4.5.1 but is available for Core 5.
I would like the main project to be able to be compiled to both versions and from what I can tell, the class library doesn't have anything version specific that should be limiting my ability to do that based on the fact that it compiles and creates both version DLLs.
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