I might be missing something, but from trying to play with ARM support in Core 2 seems to me like it keeps lagging behind the main branch - it was still tolerable not to have Linux packages during Preview 1, a little bit less funny was not being able to run SDK commands and have issues with running projects published in VS (15.3) Preview 2 - but here we have announcements of final .Net Core 2 version and still no ARM packages in sight, with official Net Core RaspberryPi page (https://github.com/dotnet/core/blob/master/samples/RaspberryPiInstructions.md) giving wrong link for SDK installation, pointing to standard architecture, not ARM ( [arch=amd64] instead of [arch=armf] that is not available) - but stating: "These steps have been tested on a RPi 2 and RPi 3" . Really ?
Please tell me I`m missing something, as currently ARM support in .Net Core 2 seems like an outsourced, neglected child.