Hi folks,
I am using Asp.net Core and Novell.Directory.Ldap.NETStandard lib for Active Directory. Here is my sample code as below:
public struct PersonEntry { ........ ........ public string Role { get; set; }public string ThumbnailPhoto { get; set; } } public IActionResult Test() { .... .... //Rest Omitted LdapAttribute attribute = (LdapAttribute)ienum.Current; string attributeName = attribute.Name; string attributeVal = attribute.StringValue; switch (attributeName) { case "sAMAccountName": entry.UserName = attributeVal; break; case "displayName": entry.Name = attributeVal; break; case "thumbnailPhoto":entry.ThumbnailPhoto = attributeVal; break; default: break; } } attributeListObject.Add(entry); } conn.Disconnect(); return Ok(attributeListObject); .... .... //Rest Omitted
In Postman:
In tumbnailphoto, This is come from active directory server but I am not sure what kind of this format so I want to get byte from tumbnailphoto. How to convert this format to byte data?
I am waiting for your response.
Thank in Advance!