What is the best way of setting up a development environment using .net core and docker? From the examples I've seen, it seems that you have to redeploy everything everytime you make a code change. I'm trying to get a setup where I can do development in visual
studio code + docker with debugging and without having to compile and restart the docker container
I had hoped that i could mount my local project so that docker would read the files that I work in, but I have a bit of problems with getting everything to work.
I've created a new project:
`dotnet new httpapi`
which creates a working project with a docker file:
<div style="color: #d4d4d4; background-color: #1e1e1e; font-family: 'Droid Sans Mono', 'monospace', monospace, 'Droid Sans Fallback'; font-weight: normal; font-size: 14px; line-height: 19px; white-space: pre;"> <div>FROM microsoft/aspnetcore-build:1.0-2.0 as BUILD</div> <div>COPY ./ /apps</div> <div>WORKDIR /apps</div> <div>RUN bash -c "dotnet restore ./MountAndWatchTest.csproj && dotnet publish ./MountAndWatchTest.csproj -c Release -o ./obj/Docker/publish"</div> <div>FROM microsoft/dotnet</div> <div>WORKDIR /apps</div><div>EXPOSE 80</div> <div>COPY --from=BUILD /apps/obj/Docker/publish .</div> <div>ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "MountAndWatchTest.dll"]</div> </div>I have tried to:
- Mount the src directory from docker-compose
- change the docker file to:
The idea is to change it to "dotnet watcher run" later and hopefully get it to update on code changes.
I'm able to run 'dotnet run' locally and get a server up and running on port 5000, but when I do it in docker I get a:
'Couldn't find a project to run. Ensure a project exists in /src, or pass the path to the project using --project.'
even though it works locally.
Firstly: Am I on the right path, or is there a better way to develop through a docker container? Or should I develop locally and move it to a container at deploy time? In that case I'm worried about the environment not being the same as that is running on the server.