Hi All,
I just saw that 4.6.1 was recently released. I installed it, but then I wanted to make sure that I'm actually using it. This blog posting states that 4.6 and 4.6.1 are installed side-by-side. So I'm guessing something in our project.json or something has to tell our app which framework to use. Sorry if this is a super easy question. I tried looking and found anarticle that gives some background on detecting both installed versions and running versions of .NET.
I put the following in my startup.cs:
string environmentVersion = Environment.Version.ToString(); logger.LogInformation(string.Format(".NET Framework currently executing: {0}", environmentVersion));
but I later read that environmentVersion is expected to be 4.0.30319.42000 for both 4.6 and 4.6.1. So... how can I be sure that my ASP.NET 5 web application is targeting 4.6.1?
Thanks in advance,
-Brian Eriksen