I am trying to connect to a database on a server that operates as part of a pair. If one server is down the other is there as a backup (Failover Partner). Replication is enabled between databases on the two servers.
In Asp.Net Framework I could use the following connection string in the web.config. As can be seen it contains a part for the Failover Settings:
ConnectionString="Data Source=xxxxxxx.ad.xxxx.co.uk;Failover
Partner=yyyyyy.ad.xxxx.co.uk;Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;
Integrated Security=SSPI"
However, If I add "Failover Partner=yyyyyy.ad.xxxx.co.uk"
to the Connection String in AppSettings.Staging.json it has no effect.
What is the equivalent in Asp.Net Core ? Has this been implemented somewhere else or has it been missed?