Hi Folks,
I am using Asp.net Core with Angular 4 and Novell LDAP library acitve directory. I fellow this one as below:
I want to display thumbnail Photo from active directory. Here is in my code:
In C#:
public struct PersonEntry { .............. //Rest Omitted .............. public byte[] ThumbnailPhoto { get; set; } } [HttpGet("testPhoto")] public IActionResult Test() { .............. //Rest Omitted .............. while (lsc.hasMore()) { LdapEntry nextEntry = null; try { nextEntry = lsc.next(); } catch (LdapException e) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.LdapErrorMessage); // Exception is thrown, go for next entry continue; } var entry = new PersonEntry(); LdapAttributeSet attributeSet = nextEntry.getAttributeSet(); IEnumerator ienum = attributeSet.GetEnumerator(); while (ienum.MoveNext()) { LdapAttribute attribute = (LdapAttribute)ienum.Current; string attributeName = attribute.Name; string attributeVal = attribute.StringValue; if (!Base64.isLDIFSafe(attributeVal)) { byte[] tbyte = SupportClass.ToByteArray(attributeVal); attributeVal = Base64.encode(SupportClass.ToSByteArray(tbyte)); } switch (attributeName) { case "sAMAccountName": entry.UserName = attributeVal; break; case "displayName": entry.Name = attributeVal; break; case "thumbnailPhoto": entry.ThumbnailPhoto = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(attributeVal); break; default: break; } } attributeListObject.Add(entry); } conn.Disconnect(); return Ok(attributeListObject); .............. //Rest Omitted .............. }
<div *ngIf="imageData != ''"><p><b>From Active Directory:</b></p><img [src]="imageData" alt="test" /></div><div *ngIf="imageLocalData != ''"><p><b>From Local Database:</b></p><img [src]="imageLocalData" alt="test" /></div>
In Typescript:
testPic() { this.appService.testPic().subscribe(data => { let byteData = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + data[0].thumbnailPhoto;this.imageData = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(byteData); }); this.appService.testAttachment(1).subscribe(data => { let byteData = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + data[0].data;this.imageLocalData = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(byteData); }); }
In second last picture (From Local database), I got display image byte. This byte is stored in local database as MSSQl after I uploaded it.
Unfortunatley, In first picture (From Actvie Directory), I am unable to display image byte as ThumbnailPhoto from Active directory server and I have no clue.
I was wondering if you can help this issue. Thanks in Advance.
I am waiting for your response.