I been struggling for the past 4 days trying to use ASP.NET 5 Web Application (MVC 6). The issue I'm having is every time I make a change to a file and try to save it (class, controller, even bower files) , the c# icon changes to a file icon with a notification icon (exclamation) on the bottom right corner of the icon. Or worse sometimes when I try to save, the regular file is substitute by a newly created temp file (ex. HomeController.cs~RF52bcb9.TMP) and there is no way to get the file back unless I close Visual Studio and reopen it again.
***Something I notice while writing this post is a saw the tmp file been created in the IDE and then dissapear.
Thinks that I have done and it order:
- Installed Visual Studio 2015 Professional with update 1 web installer from (https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/downloads/download-visual-studio-vs.aspx)
- Install ASP.NET 5 RC1 Update 1
- Create Cloud - ASP.NET Web Application in .NET Framework 4.6.1
- Select ASP.NET 5 Templates - Web Application with everything else unchecked (no host in the cloud, etc...)
- Create a modal class - Works fine
- Try to modify that class or other class - It breaks
- Close Visual Studio and reopen it
- Back to point 6
After struggling, I do the follow:
- Uninstall ASP.NET 5 RC1 Update 1
- Uninstall Visual Studio 2015 Professional with Update 1
- Restart computer
- Do all the steps in the previous paragraph.
It's really frustrating because I been working with VS for the last 9 years and is the first time something like that happened to me. I don't know if I really need to do a full uninstall on VS 2015 since uninstalling all the programs I have in my computer is not an option. If someone can point me in the right direction will be appreciate it.
Note, I have installed the following Visual Studios since this is my work computer:
- Visual Studio 2008 Developer
- Visual Studio 2012 Premium
- SQL Server Management Studio 2014