Hi all,
I have issue when insert entity.
my code:
public class HsiHcm { [Required]
public int Id { get; set; } public string AggName { get; set; } public string SrtName { get; set; } public string SrtIp { get; set; } public string SrtPw { get; set; } public string SrtPwStatus { get; set; } public string Xconnect { get; set; } public string OltName { get; set; } public int TotalSub { get; set; } public string AggName01 { get; set; } public string AggIp01 { get; set; } public string AggPw01 { get; set; } public string AggPw01Status { get; set; } public string CvName01 { get; set; } public string CvIp01 { get; set; } public string CvPw01 { get; set; } public string CvPw01Status { get; set; } public string CvSubInface01 { get; set; } public string CvName02 { get; set; } public string CvIp02 { get; set; } public string CvPw02{ get; set; } public string CvPw02Status { get; set; } public string CvSubInface02 { get; set; } public string BrasPort01 { get; set; } public string BrasPort02 { get; set; } public string Note { get; set; } public DateTime TimeUpdate { get; set; } public string UserUpdate { get; set; } public string Group { get; set; } public int Speed { get; set; } public string PortInfo { get; set; } public int poller { get; set; } public int rid { get; set; } public int iid { get; set; } public float Bw { get; set; } }
public async Task Cisco_ReadAggConf(string line, string art07, string art08, List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> srt, AggRingInfo agg, string strAgg, string AggName_) { string temp = line.Substring(line.IndexOf(" bridge group HSI_OLT")); string strGet = line.Substring(line.IndexOf(" bridge group HSI_OLT") + 23, temp.IndexOf(" !\n !\n !\n !\n") - 5); string[] briDomains = strGet.Split(new[] { "\n !\n !\n " }, StringSplitOptions.None); for (int j = 0; j < briDomains.Length; j++) { string[] lineBD = briDomains[j].Split(new[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); List<HsiHcm> list = new List<HsiHcm>(); HsiHcm listHSI = new HsiHcm(); List<KeyValuePair<string, string>> listOLT = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>(); listHSI.Note = "Check Config AGG\n"; listHSI.Group = "HSI_OLT_" + strAgg; listHSI.AggName = AggName_; for (int d = 0; d < lineBD.Length; d++) { string row = lineBD[d].ToString(); if (row.Contains("bridge-domain ")) { listHSI.Xconnect = row.Substring(row.IndexOf("bridge-domain ") + 14).Trim(); await _messageHubContext.Clients.All.InvokeAsync("send", row.Substring(row.IndexOf("bridge-domain ") + 14).Trim()); } else if (row.Contains("neighbor ")) { if (row.Contains("")) { listHSI.CvName01 = "HHT9403ART07"; listHSI.CvPw01 = row.Substring(row.IndexOf("pw-id ") + 6).Trim(); if (lineBD[d + 1].Contains("pw-class")) { listHSI.Note += "neighbor (HHT9403ART07) pw-class: OK(" + lineBD[d + 1] + ")\n"; } else { listHSI.Note += "neighbor (HHT9403ART07) pw-class: NOK\n"; } } else if (row.Contains("")) { listHSI.CvName02 = "HHT9403ART08"; listHSI.CvPw02 = row.Substring(row.IndexOf("pw-id ") + 6).Trim(); if (lineBD[d + 1].Contains("pw-class")) { listHSI.Note += "neighbor (HHT9403ART08) pw-class: OK(" + lineBD[d + 1] + ")\n"; } else { listHSI.Note += "neighbor (HHT9403ART08) pw-class: NOK\n"; } } else if (d < lineBD.Length - 1) { string[] lines = row.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (lineBD[d + 1].Contains("split-horizon group") && !lines[1].Contains("10.18.255.")) { listOLT.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(lines[1].Trim(), lines[3].Trim())); } else if (lineBD[d + 1].Contains("split-horizon group") && lines[1].Contains("10.18.255.")) { listHSI.Note += "AGG không khai trong vfi"; } else if (lineBD[d - 1].Contains("vfi")) { listHSI.AggPw01 = lines[3].Trim(); if (lines[1] == agg.Agg01LB0) { listHSI.AggName01 = agg.AggName01; } else if (lines[1] == agg.Agg02LB0) { listHSI.AggName01 = agg.AggName02; } else { listHSI.AggName01 = "NOK"; } } else { listHSI.Note += "pw-id " + lines[3] + "khai báo NOK"; } } } } if (art07.Contains(listHSI.Xconnect)) { string tempCV07 = art07.Substring(art07.IndexOf(" xconnect group " + listHSI.Xconnect)); string strCV07Get = tempCV07.Substring(0, tempCV07.IndexOf(" !\n !\n !\n !\n")); listHSI.CvSubInface01 = GetSubCV(strCV07Get); listHSI.Note += "Check Config CV\n" + string.Join("\n", Cisco_CheckXConnCV(strCV07Get, agg.Agg01LB0, agg.Agg02LB0, listHSI.AggPw01)); string tempInfBras = art07.Substring(art07.IndexOf("interface " + listHSI.CvSubInface01.Split(new[] { "." }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0].Trim() + "\n")); string strInfBrasGet = tempInfBras.Substring(0, tempInfBras.IndexOf("\n!\n")); listHSI.BrasPort01 = Cisco_GetInfBra(strInfBrasGet); } if (art08.Contains(listHSI.Xconnect)) { string tempCV08 = art08.Substring(art08.IndexOf(" xconnect group " + listHSI.Xconnect)); string strCV08Get = tempCV08.Substring(0, tempCV08.IndexOf(" !\n !\n !\n !\n")); listHSI.CvSubInface02 = GetSubCV(strCV08Get); listHSI.Note += "Check Config CV\n" + string.Join("\n", Cisco_CheckXConnCV(strCV08Get, agg.Agg01LB0, agg.Agg02LB0, listHSI.AggPw01)); string tempInfBras = art08.Substring(art08.IndexOf("interface " + listHSI.CvSubInface02.Split(new[] { "." }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0].Trim() + "\n")); string strInfBrasGet = tempInfBras.Substring(0, tempInfBras.IndexOf("\n!\n")); if (listHSI.BrasPort01 != null) { listHSI.BrasPort02 = Cisco_GetInfBra(strInfBrasGet); } else { listHSI.BrasPort01 = Cisco_GetInfBra(strInfBrasGet); } } try { for (int i = 0; i < listOLT.Count; i++) { listHSI.SrtName = srt.Find(f => f.Key == GetLP01(listOLT[i].Key, 32)).Value; listHSI.SrtIp = listOLT[i].Key; listHSI.SrtPw = listOLT[i].Value; OLTInfo oLT = await GetOltInfo(listHSI.SrtName); if(oLT.OltName != null) { listHSI.OltName = oLT.OltName; listHSI.poller = oLT.poller; listHSI.rid = oLT.rid; listHSI.iid = oLT.iid; listHSI.Speed = oLT.Speed; listHSI.PortInfo = oLT.PortInfo; //listHSI.TotalSub = await GetTotalSubTms(oLT.OltName); } listHSI.UserUpdate = User.Identity.Name; listHSI.TimeUpdate = DateTime.Now; try { _context.tbl_HsiHcm.Add(listHSI); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (Exception ex) { _toastNotifi.AddErrorToastMessage(ex.ToString()); } } } catch(Exception ex) { _toastNotifi.AddErrorToastMessage(ex.ToString()); } } }
When i use "for loop" insert data to database, then error Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'TABLE' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OF. Column Id set Identity.
Please help me!