Trying to get SOME kind of swagger tooling working with my WEBAPI on ASPNETCORE 2.0 but having a lot of trouble...
So I went back to an empty project and following the workflow here ( I still can't get it going... any thoughts?
Is this supposed to work OOTB with aspnetcore 2.0? [VS2017 -> new WebAPI, no auth, -> Install-package as per above -> runs through "Get packages" and hten gets to about 1 mins of installing things then dies with this last message...
Microsoft.Extensions.WebEncoders 1.0.3 depends on Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.Abstractions (>= 1.0.2) but Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.Abstractions 1.0.2 was not found. An approximate best match of Microsoft.Extensions.Localization.Abstractions 1.0.3 was resolved.
Install-Package : Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'webapi'.At line:1 char:1
+ Install-Package Swashbuckle.AspNetCore
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PackageManagement.PowerShellCmdlets.InstallPackageCommand
tried same with NSwag.AspNetCore and got similar but different (as per their instructions for manually installing the Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles package, this gives "versin conflicts")
OK 1328ms
Install-Package : Unable to find package 'Nswag.AspNetCore' at source ''.At line:1 char:1
+ Install-Package Nswag.AspNetCore
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PackageManagement.PowerShellCmdlets.InstallPackageCommand
Can't delete this but I'm now unblocked.
For anyones assistance this is what was going wrong:
Windows7 in corporate environment doesn't refresh cached credentials stored in the Credential Manager (konwn issue resolved in win10 apparently?)
Anyway password changed today, workflow to resolve is apparently this:
Control Panel> User Accounts > Credential Manager --> under Generic Credentials remove the "VS_..." something Credential that is created when you get prompted in VS package manager (for example)
Close everything and restart (sheesh)
Open Visual Studio and try again and it should work/prompt for new credentails...
For other struggling with NSwag, this is the correct process with ASpnetcore 2.0 apparently (while it tells you here: its not very clear, IMO, what's actually required, so... in the spirit of being a little more explicit). This works in a "vanilla webapi netcore 2.0" project
install-package microsoft.aspnetcore.staticfiles
install-package nswag.aspnetcore