I have a application which fetches data from database and displays the data on a ASP page using VB as follows. The function GetPageData() returns data from database in a table form.
I now need to add two more columns (Details & History) in this table, which are radio buttons for each row and when user clicks the radio button, a new page should open displaying details or history page depending upon radio button clicked.
Below is the existing code. Could anyone help me understand how I can achieve this. I am new to .NET & frontend programming.
PrivateSub Build()Dim htmlTable AsNew StringBuilderDim data AsNew DataTable data = GetPageData()''Returns data from databaseIfNot data IsNothingAnd Also data.Rows.Count >0Then htmlTable.Append("<table style='text-align:center;' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' style = 'width:100%;' class='clsTable1' id = 'tblMain1' ") htmlTable.Append(" > ") BuildHeader(htmlTable) BuildBody(htmlTable, data) htmlTable.Append("</tr>") htmlTable.Append("</table><br><br>") tblBody.Rows(0).Cells(0).InnerHtml = htmlTable.ToStringElse lblMessage.Text ="No data found" tblBody.Rows(0).Cells(0).InnerHtml = lblSpace.TextEndIfEndSubPrivateSub CreateHeaderRow(ByRef htmlTable As StringBuilder)Try htmlTable.Append("<tr bgcolor='#D3D3D3' style='font-weight:bold;' >") htmlTable.Append(" <td align='center'> Customer ID</td>") htmlTable.Append(" <td align='center'> Customer Name</td>") htmlTable.Append(" <td align='center'> Customer Address</td>") htmlTable.Append(" <td align='center'> Details</td>")'New Column Header for radio button htmlTable.Append(" <td align='center'> History</td>")'New Column Header for radio button htmlTable.Append("</tr>")Catch ex As ExceptionThrow exEndTryEndSubPublicSub CreateTableBody(ByRef htmlTable As StringBuilder,ByRef data As DataTable)Dim iRow AsIntegerDim iCol AsIntegerDim colData AsString=String.EmptyTryFor iRow =0To data.Rows.Count -1For iCol =0To data.Columns.Count -1 colData = data.Rows(iRow).Item(iCol).ToStringIf colData =String.Empty Then htmlTable.Append(" ")Else htmlTable.Append(colData)EndIf htmlTable.Append("</td>")Next htmlTable.Append("</tr>")NextCatch ex As ExceptionThrow exEndTryEndSub