When I just create a asp.net5 web api project and use the default template. when I run to IIS express. I can see default value of .json file.
But when I add simple swagger specifications to it. and run it to IIS Express. i got error:
localhost refused to connect.
<div class="error-code" jscontent="errorCode" jstcache="10">ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED</div> <div class="error-code" jscontent="errorCode" jstcache="10"></div> <div class="error-code" jscontent="errorCode" jstcache="10">Any clue what's wrong and how I can resolve the issue. </div> <div class="error-code" jscontent="errorCode" jstcache="10">I had tried all ipconfig options. </div> <div class="error-code" jscontent="errorCode" jstcache="10">Delete applicationhost.config un .vs folder, and under C:\Users\xx\Documents\IISExpress\config</div><div class="error-code" jscontent="errorCode" jstcache="10"></div> <div class="error-code" jscontent="errorCode" jstcache="10">How I can fix the issue? thanks</div>