I have category title using a Group By and want to order by the display order of the title. Each category is number by a display order field and I want to order by the display order. How do I do that with the group by that I already have.
@foreach (var linkGroup in Model.Links.GroupBy(l => l.LinkCategory, LinkCategory.CategoryIdComparer)) {<div class="card forum-blue"><div style="color:black"><h4 class="bg-forum-blue" style="padding: 4px; color: white">@linkGroup.Key.Title</h4><hr /> @foreach (var link in linkGroup) {<p style="padding:4px"><tr><td><a href="@link.Url" target="_blank">@link.Title</a><br> @Html.Raw(@link.Description)</td></tr></p> }</div></div><br /> }
Have something like this but I get an error
@foreach (var linkGroup in Model.Links.GroupBy(l => l.LinkCategory, LinkCategory.CategoryIdComparer).Select(g => g.OrderByDescending(d => d.Order)).ToList())
Possible Multiple enumerations