I recently upgraded to Visual Studio Community 2019 16.5.2. My current solution comprises of several projects and all of them are targeted to .NET Core 3.1
When I am trying to publish my application from Visual Studio, I get the below error:
Project GCB.Storage is not compatible with netcoreapp3.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v3.0) / win-x64. Project GCB.Storage supports: netcoreapp3.1 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v3.1)
I am not sure why it is complaining even though I changed the target version to .net core 3.1. I looked at control panel on the server where I am publishing and it has "Microsoft .NET Core SDK 3.1.201 (x64) from Visual Studio". Do I need to configure/install something on the server?
Any pointers?