I'm using EF Core version: 3.0 Database provider: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
I have two tables: PROFILO (master) and PROFILOTITOLODISTUDIO (details) this is the model:
The IdProfilo foreign key in the PROFILOTITOLODISTUDIO tablemust be NOT NULL
In the controller's Edit action I receive the object with the fields bounded by the view as an input, even if I don't change any value, thesavechanges () always returns the error:
InvalidOperationException: The association between entities 'Profilo' and 'ProfiloTitoloDiStudio' with the key value '{IdProfilo: 45c42779-39b6-4047-91d1-12253a79b7f6}' has been severed but the relationship is either marked as 'Required' or is implicitly required because the foreign key is not nullable. If the dependent/child entity should be deleted when a required relationship is severed, then setup the relationship to use cascade deletes.
this is the save code:
publicasyncTask<IActionResult>Edit(Profilo profiloinput){var _profiloDB =await _dbcontext.Profilo.Include(p => p.ProfiloTitoloDiStudio).SingleOrDefaultAsync(p => p.IdProfilo== profiloinput.IdProfilo);
_profiloDB.Nome= profiloinput.Nome;
_profiloDB.Cognome= profiloinput.Cognome;
_profiloDB.ProfiloTitoloDiStudio= profiloinput.ProfiloTitoloDiStudio;var x =await _dbcontext.SaveChangesAsync();}
I am not breaking any relationship between PROFILE and PROFILOTITOLODISTUDIO I am simply trying to make an update on the child table, the IDPROFILO foreign key in the profile object.ProfiloTitoloDiStudio is perfectly enhanced !!!