Hello guys,
I have a problem with Automapper in particolar with .projectTo that doesnt map the navigation property of attachments, following the code:
var messagesList = dataContext.EmailMessages .Include(em => em.FromAddresses) .Include(em => em.ToAddresses) .Include(em => em.CcAddresses) .Include(em => em.BccAddresses) .Include(em => em.Attachments).ThenInclude(at => at.ContentType) .Include(em => em.MessageFlags) .Include(em => em.ReplyTo) .Include(em => em.Uid) .Include(em => em.References) .Where(em => em.UserId == userId && em.MessageDirection == EmailMessageDirection.received) .ProjectTo<EmailMessageDto>(new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.CreateMap<EmailMessage, EmailMessageDto>(); cfg.CreateMap<EmailContentType, EmailContentTypeDto>(); cfg.CreateMap<EmailAttachment, EmailAttachmentDto>(); cfg.CreateMap<EmailHeader, EmailHeaderDto>(); cfg.CreateMap<EmailMessageFlag, EmailMessageFlagDto>(); cfg.CreateMap<EmailUid, EmailUidDto>(); cfg.CreateMap<EmailAddress, EmailAddressDto>(); cfg.CreateMap<EmailMessageId, EmailMessageIdDto>(); })) .OrderByDynamic(sortField, sortOrder.ToUpper());
When I get the IQueryable List the contentType is everitime null, if I check without Mapping ContentType is there.
I think the configuration of projectTo mapping is not good, some suggestion ?