Inside my Core MVC i added the MVC6 grid from this url @ but i have noted that the paging and filtering will be done on the client side, so each time we filter,sort or paging the whole records will be retrived. so can i force the MVC6 Grid to do the filter,sort and paging on the server-side instead?
Here is my Action Method:-
public async Task<IActionResult> Index() { var results = await _context.Doctor.ToListAsync(); return View(results); }
and here is the view:-
@model IEnumerable<LandingPageFinal3.Models.Doctor> @(Html .Grid(Model) .Build(columns => { columns.Add(model => model.PhysicianFirstName).Titled("Name"); columns.Add(model => model.PhysicianLastName).Titled("Surname"); columns.Add(model => model.Phone).Titled("Phone"); }) .Using(GridFilterMode.Header) .Empty("No data found") .Filterable() .Sortable() .Pageable() )
any advice on this please?