I have the following asp.net core MVC6 web grid https://mvc6-grid.azurewebsites.net/ :-
@(Html .Grid(Model) .Build(columns => { columns.Add(model => model.PhysicianFirstName).Titled("Name"); columns.Add(model => model.PhysicianLastName).Titled("Surname"); columns.Add(model => model.Phone).Titled("Phone"); columns.Add(model => $" <a asp-action='Edit' asp-route-id=\"{model.Id}\">Edit</a> |<a asp-action='Details' asp-route-id=\"{model.Id}\">Details</a> |<a asp-action='Delete' asp-route-id=\"{model.Id}\">Delete</a>").Encoded(false); }) .Using(GridFilterMode.Header) .Empty("No data found") .Filterable() .Sortable() .Pageable(pager => { pager.RowsPerPage = 250; })
where inside the last column i specify to add 3 links (Edit,Details & Delete), where the links will be shown but they will be UN-clickable, so not sure why?
here is a screen shot of the results and the markup that got generated:-