hi there, im phd student of entreprenership and i am 31 years old. in the past i used visual studio web form. after many years for developing my e-business ideas i decide to come back to web development world but im very dazzy about what framework to choose?
here is my priorities:
1. i dont want to be a professional web developer just i want to implement my ideas to build small websites
2. i want a web programming framework that has huge free premade(third party) source codes or libraries or packages that i can use them in my project easily
3. its errors be very clear so that i can find whats wrong with my codes easily
4. with that language or framework i can write server side + client side codes!
5. has free tutorial or learning resources.
6. easily to learn and find.
Important: i hate developing environments that have very separate tools(i mean using terminal or cmd), i like environments like asp.net core that all of things are managlble in ONE place and you can do anything using mouse click not typing long commands
in terminals or cmd
honestly i am confused between asp.net core, laravel and django.
please give me a guidance about this, thanks