how can I remove the time part from datepicker. When the page load , the time part is also showing
Controller public async Task<IActionResult> Index() { IEnumerable<WeatherLocation> locList = _unitOfWork.Location.GetAll(); WeatherVM weatherVM = new WeatherVM() { Locations = locList.Select(i => new SelectListItem { Text = i.LocationName, Value = i.LocationId.ToString() }) }; weatherVM.ForcastDate= DateTime.Now; //var Weather = new List<Weather>(); //var weatherList = await _weatherRepository.GetWeatherAsync(); return View(weatherVM); } View <div class="form-group row"><div class="col-sm-2"><label asp-for="ForcastDate"></label></div><div class="col-4"><input type='text' id="forcastDate" asp-for="ForcastDate" class="form-control" /><span asp-validation-for="ForcastDate" class="text-danger"></span></div></div></form> @section Scripts{<script> alert("alkds");$(document).ready(function () {$("#forcastDate").datepicker({ format: 'dd/mm/yyyy', date: new Date(1900, 01, 01), autoclose: true, todayBtn: 'linked' }); }); </script> }