I have a .NetCore Blazor App, morphed from the stock weather forecast service that comes with it, whereas I have players who log their play info, but once a player logs in and wants to look at their info via the stock “Fetch Data” link, the user cannot proceed as an Unable to cast object of type ‘System.Byte’ (not sure from what model property this stems from ) to type ‘System.Int32’. The user, upon registering , and logging in, is able to create/post a record (as it inserts into the database), but coming back to view their post, renders the Unhandled Exception.
In my wagtrakservice.cs class, I have the lineup intact:
publicasync Task<List<Wagtrak>>
GetForecastAsync(string strCurrentUser)
// Get Weather Forecasts – player records
returnawait _context.Wagtrak
// Only get entries for the current logged in user
/// UserName is weatherforecast version, put Username inside Wagtrak table
.Where(x => x.UserName == strCurrentUser)
// Use AsNoTracking to disable EF change tracking
// Use ToListAsync to avoid blocking a thread
public Task<Wagtrak>
CreateForecastAsync(Wagtrak objWagtrak)
return Task.FromResult(objWagtrak);
public Task<bool>
UpdateForecastAsync(Wagtrak objWagtrak)
var ExistingWagtrak =
.Where(x => x.WID == objWagtrak.WID)
if (ExistingWagtrak != null)
ExistingWagtrak.Gamedate =
ExistingWagtrak.TeamH =
ExistingWagtrak.TeamV =
ExistingWagtrak.ptsHome =
ExistingWagtrak.ptsVisitor =
ExistingWagtrak.LinePlay =
ExistingWagtrak.DaPlay =
ExistingWagtrak.LineClose =
ExistingWagtrak.Payout =
ExistingWagtrak.Summary =
DDL for the SQL table:
CREATETABLE [dbo].[Wagtrak](
[UserName] [varchar](50)NULL,
[Gamedate] [date]NULL,
[ptsHome] [tinyint]NULL,
[ptsVisitor] [tinyint]NULL,
[LinePlay] [numeric](18, 1)NULL,
[TotalPlay] [numeric](18, 1)NULL,
[Payout] [int]NULL,
[Summary] [nvarchar](max)NULL,
[TeamH] [varchar](20)NULL,
[TeamV] [varchar](20)NULL,
[DaPlay] [varchar](20)NULL
the context class has this lineup with appears to be correct assigns from model to Entity properties:
protectedoverridevoid OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity<Wagtrak>(entity =>
/* see endtoendcontext.cs endtoend2 pjc for carinventorysho to mirror how we call
the primary key (WID) in this case */
entity.HasKey(e => e.WID);
entity.Property(e => e.WID).HasColumnName("WID");
entity.Property(e => e.Gamedate).HasColumnType("datetime");
entity.Property(e => e.TeamH).HasMaxLength(20)
entity.Property(e => e.TeamV).HasMaxLength(20)
entity.Property(e => e.ptsHome).HasColumnType("int")
entity.Property(e => e.ptsVisitor).HasColumnType("int")
entity.Property(e => e.LineClose).HasColumnType("decimal(18, 0)")
entity.Property(e => e.LinePlay).HasColumnType("decimal(18, 0)")
entity.Property(e => e.Payout).HasColumnType("int")
entity.Property(e => e.DaPlay).HasMaxLength(20)
/// HasColumnType entity.Property(e => e.Summary).HasMaxLength(1000);
entity.Property(e => e.Summary).HasColumnType("nvarchar(max)")
entity.Property(e => e.UserName).HasMaxLength(50);
..since the Summary column is a nvarchar(max) , I believe this is how it should be assigned …
Thanks in advance