I have an enum type like:
public enum EntryState { Proposed = 0x0001, Canceled = 0x0002, Approved = 0x0004, // for compatibility only! [Display(Name = "--Authorized--")] Authorized = 0x0004, Repproved = 0x0008, All= Proposed| Canceled | Authorized | Repproved }
and I render it in the html as:
@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.AppStateData.state, Html.GetEnumSelectList<EntryState>(), new { @class = "dstate-control" })
This will show the values in the enum, including 2 with the same value (Approved , Authorized ).
However, I only include Approved for compatibility, and I wouldn't like to render this tag in the html (UI).
Could you help me?