With .NET 4.5 I created an extensible web application. With executes at run-time certified code from third parties.
For this, I use app domains and inter-process communication.
Now I saw that a lot of technologies I used for this aren't any more supported in .NET core
- AppDomains
- Remoting
- BinarySerzializers
For most of them, there are obvious solutions(Protobuf, rest...). But the remove of AppDomains is a tough thing.
If I understand it right I should use processes. But if my application has about hundreds or thounds Extensions (multiple customers) this would mean I would also have hunded and thounds of processes.
But I don't feel very comfortable with either one. In the one way, I would end up with hundreds of processes. And if I group I could still get influences between them.
So what would be the right way to choose?
I Also posted on SO (if someone is hunting points) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38048549/best-practice-how-to-isolate-dynamic-code-assemblies-with-net-core