How to use stored procedure to return a non dbSet object in EF 3.1 ?
HiMy question is that how can i use stored procedure in ef core 3.1 to return something like anonymous types without creating some viewModel as dbSet in our dbContext ?Thanks in advance
View Articlewhen export data to excel error excel file not readable content?
problemI work on angular 7 app I click button to export data from database to Excel it create file when i open itgive me error ( excel file not readable content ) why and how to solve issue this my...
View Articlewhat is the best/currentpattern for using connection settings
Hiwhats is the best setup and design pattern for holding and using configuration settings/string for things like databases, messaging services etci need to for multiple enviroments eg dev, staging...
View ArticleI am migrating project Unittest(UT )to core 3.1
<div class="body">HI Team,I am migrating project Unittest(UT )to core 3.1 and observed Fake dll not getting generated thereplease suggest</div>
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I'm using the following scaffolded example with angular and ASP.NET Identity with IdentityServer4.dotnet new angular -o <output_directory_name>-au IndividualThe implementation is amazing, because...
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I have the following core MVC6 web grid :-@(Html .Grid(Model) .Build(columns => { columns.Add(model => model.PhysicianFirstName).Titled("Name");...
View ArticleMigrations update-database fails
Hi, I am creating an Asp net core 2.2 application for witch I need to update my database frequently. I used to do this with Migrations (add-Migration and update-Database ). But lately I get an error...
View ArticleThe format of value '' is invalid API Endpoint in .Net Core --
Hi All.This is a typical question and would require knowledge of Vericred medicare API to some extent. Calling the API through .NET Core application. Already registered with the developers account and...
View ArticleCreating generic Singleton
I would like to read the contents of several tables into a singleton so that I don't have to keep querying my database for (mostly) static data. When writing the routines to read the database, they...
View ArticleAn unhandled exception occurred while processing the request.
I got the following message below and have no idea what to do?TypeLoadException: Method 'Create' in type...
View ArticleSystem.AggregateException:
Below is the error that I am getting in program cs. I am using aspnet core mvc 3.1 Some services are not able to be constructed (Error while validating the service descriptor 'ServiceType:...
View ArticleInconsistent accesibility:parameter type; HomeControler(IRepositoryissue) is...
HomeController.Homecontroller(Irepository<Issue>issue)Hi, I don't understand why I am getting this error. Below is part of the home controller that I am using. I have tried everything. I am...
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I want to write an word press plugin whit in order to add sum special services that are not support by ordinary plugin . <div id="skyroom-extension-is-installed"></div>
View ArticleProblem with LINQ causing SQL exception: Cannot insert duplicate key row
Hello,I develop a quiz application. In my database design, there is many-to-many relationship between Test takers and questions as same exam questions may concern various test takers and each test...
View ArticleRequested unknown parameter 'CategoryName' for row 0, column 0. How can I...
I am trying to list the record from JS datatable . My html is given below@model LibraryBooks.Models.ViewModels.CategoryVM @{ Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; }<table id="tblData"...
View ArticleGuidelines and Steps to Package an ASP .NET Core WEB API
Greetings, I have created my first .NET Core Web API that will be sent to another site to be installed. I've searched the web but I cannot find any definitive guidelines and steps to properly...
View ArticleRead XML File in ASP.NET CORE MVC
Hi,I am working on a project where i have to read an xml file.But I have a problem. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"...
View ArticleSome fields set to null after Update!
HiI have some fields in my model which do not need to display or edit via end user, It's system fields (such as CreatedBy, DateCreated, TimeCreated, LastModifiedBy, LastModifiedDate and...
View ArticleException user unhandled
I keep going from appplicationdbcontext file to program files errors.Below is the error message I am using aspnet core mvc 3.1System.TypeLoadException: 'Method 'Create' in type...
View ArticleWeb API : .Net Framework 4.5 to .Net Core 3.0 Migration
I have seen migration steps for .Net Framework to .Net Core at anyone have other approach for Web API migration from .Net Framework 4.5 to .Net...
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