public DataTable GetReportDetailsSearch(string ReportID, string FromDate, string ToDate, string SearchString) { List<SqlParameter> param = new List<SqlParameter>() { new SqlParameter("@ReportID", ReportID), new SqlParameter("@ReportDateFrom", FromDate), new SqlParameter("@ReportDateTo", ToDate), new SqlParameter("@SearchString",SearchString), }; DataTable ReportDetailsSearch = SQLDAL.ReturnDataTableByProcedure("sp_ReportDetailsGetALL", param); return ReportDetailsSearch; } [Route("ReportDetailsSearch")] [HttpPost] public IActionResult GetSearchedData([FromBody] dynamic DataObjectSearch) { try { string ReportId = DataObjectSearch.reportID; string FromDate = DataObjectSearch.startdate; string StartDate = FromDate.Substring(0, 10); string todate = DataObjectSearch.enddate; string EndDate = todate.Substring(0, 10); string Searchdata = DataObjectSearch.searchstring; var PostSearch = _reportservice.GetReportDetailsSearch(ReportId, StartDate, EndDate, Searchdata); return Ok(PostSearch); }
When execute web api search string added to it double quotes why and how to solve issue ?
I work on web api core 2.2 I face this error
An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near 'and'.
procedure work from SQL success as below
exec [dbo].[sp_ReportDetailsGetALL] "2028","2020-05-03","2020-05-11", 'Text6=''locations'''
exactly issue on the following line
not work if as below
on web api i think it add double quotes on start and end so that it not work
json i passed to web api as following :
{ "startdate": "2020-05-03T22:00:00Z", "enddate": "2020-05-11T22:00:00Z", "searchstring": "'Text6=''MFG'''", "reportID": "2028" }
procedure getreportdetail as following :
declare @ColumnName Nvarchar(max) = (SELECT 'select ' + STUFF((SELECT ',' + 'Text'+CONVERT(varchar(20),ReportHeaderIndex) + ' '+ '['+ReportHeader +']' FROM ReportHeaders where ReportID=@ReportID order by ReportHeaderIndex FOR XML PATH('')) ,1,1,'') + ' , convert(nvarchar(20),[ReportDate]) ReportDate From ReportDetails R where ReportDate >= ''' +@ReportDateFrom+''' and ReportDate <= '''+ @ReportDateTo +''' and R.ReportID =' + @ReportID + ' and '+@SearchString+' and IsHistory=0 order by reportdate desc ' + @SortingColumns AS Txt ) exec (@ColumnName)