Question about an issue with a MVC project and views
Hello, So originally the design aspect of a site that was being developed was supposed to be the mvc app would be the site name, essentially root on IIS. Development proceeded and everything was...
View ArticleAddApiAuthorization with Angular login/register pages instead of MVC views
I'm using the following scaffolded example with angular and ASP.NET Identity with IdentityServer4.dotnet new angular -o <output_directory_name>-au IndividualThe implementation is amazing, because...
View ArticleThe connected services component Microsoft WCF web service reference provider...
I upgraded my project from dotNetCore 2.2 to 3.0 two weeks ago. Now I want to add a Webservice to itBut I got this error when I clicked on Microsoft WCF Web Service Reference ProviderI am using visual...
View ArticleTo register HttpClient service in configure service to call api from web...
I am calling the API from my web application is as given below public class AuthorRepositoryGUI : IAuthorRepositoryGUI { private readonly IHttpClientFactory _clientFactory; public...
View Articlei have problem a Project ASP Core
hi Every One nice to meet you Iam Happy for Register in this Site i have big problem for two week I Can not find solution for this error i work on project mvc core and make OrderMasterDetails and i...
View ArticleSqlException error when trying to implement pagination in .net core web api
Hello All,I have these two pieces of code to implement pagination in .net core.The first piece is a class as follows:public class QueryParameters { const int _maxSize = 100; private int _size = 50;...
View ArticleTrying to merge contexts Identity core and Application Context
Hi I have two contexts my identity core and application context I am using .net core 3.1 but I am having an issue where it says the following.public class AppManagerDBContext : IdentityDbContext {...
View ArticleASP.NET Core - XML
Hi,I need your help again. Last week I published a thread because I couldn't read the XML. This I have already managed to do. But now I have another problem. When I try to read the file it gives this...
View ArticleException user unhandled
I keep going from appplicationdbcontext file to program files errors.Below is the error message I am using aspnet core mvc 3.1System.TypeLoadException: 'Method 'Create' in type...
View ArticleWindows Authentication in ASP.NET Core with Kestrel On Linux Plateform
Hello, I am not a developer but I work with others on the implementation of windows authentication in net.core on Linux platform. Apparently, this is now possible directly with Kestrel in version 3...
View ArticleHow to join two tables in core.
Hi Team,Unable to retrieve the data from two tables. private readonly CoreDbContext _context; public SecSubmodulesController(CoreDbContext context) { _context = context; }[HttpGet] public async...
View ArticleSelf contained web API run exe from cmd
Hello, I've got a self hosted web API which runs in a console, is there anyway I can run this console exe from command prompt and specify a port number to run from as an argument ? & If you can...
View ArticleUnable to route through Area
HI All,Please can anyone help using Area Routing which is not working using ASP.NET Core 3.1HTML Code<div class="row"><div class="col-12"> @Html.DropDownList("NationCase",...
View Articlewhy search string 'Text6=''locations''' not work from web API and give...
public DataTable GetReportDetailsSearch(string ReportID, string FromDate, string ToDate, string SearchString) { List<SqlParameter> param = new List<SqlParameter>() { new...
View ArticleASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT Development- Production problems
I have a .Net Core 2.+ app, it publishes to my shared hosting fine thru web publish, and it worked (registering a user, data entering the SQl database) fine the first few times after i was able to...
View ArticleHow to solve async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously
When I use the given code it shows the warning always coming 'async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously' when I run the application. How can I solve [HttpGet] public async...
View ArticleInvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service for type for API...
HiIn my web application has two project BookWeb and BookAPI . BookWeb is being referenced with BookApi apllication. In BookWeb project the controller name 'AuthorController' is calling the the API...
View ArticleUpload image array with other fields, not just images.
I currently have the following:@page @model pcore31.AddimgModel @{ Layout = null; } <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"...
View ArticleSorting MVC View Results (really more of an architectural issue)
My controller has an [HttpGet] index() action that displays a form with several inputs that are not bound to my database. For example there is a drop-down containing all the years from 1960 to 2020....
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