Class Library Tag Helper for Partial Pages not working in ASP.NET Core Razor...
As part of my work on an ASP.NET Core 3.1 Razor Pages web application, I created several custom Tag Helpers. Once I had all of these working the way I wanted and expected (as part of the ASP.NET Core...
View ArticleAspnetcore react project startup detection error: Unable to connect because...
<div>info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]</div> <div> Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.</div> <div>info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]</div>...
View ArticleOAuth token management with background service
I am creating an IHostedService by implementing the BackgroundService interface for a service that will run on an IIS server. This service is going to call other api endpoints that have various...
View ArticleLoad Image from Another Drive
Hi i want show my images from another drive and dont want show from wwwroot folder my project is on C://........ but i want get images from D:/test/....... how to set url for img src to show it ? i...
View Articleinput type="date" can't show value when my modal form start
hello,when my view start alla data are show correctly while when open my modal form with button i grid, only releaseDate field not show.Why ? Where is my error ?thanksstefano@model...
View ArticleModal dialog not working (Razor)
Hi,I am sorry I am totally new at .NET Core 3.1 and razor pages and there seems to be very few information about Core 3.1 and Razor.I am trying to show a modal dialog through AJAX to add clients, but...
View ArticleAtualização ASP.NET Core 2.0 para 3.1 - API não recebe mais os parâmetros do...
Senhores, boa tarde.Pesquisei muito antes de abrir esse post, inclusive aqui, neste fórum. Encontrei dúvidas parecidas as quais tentei adaptar ao meu caso porem sem sucesso.A questão é a seguinte:Foi...
View ArticleShow text beside on the same line
I have the following code inside my razor view inside an Asp.Net MVC core web application:-<td><input asp-for="b1" type="text" class="form-control">%</td>where the % sign will be...
View ArticleCan't Run my app has IIS Express
Ok so I did some settings when trying to deploy core web app locally sometimes ago. Suddenly i just noticed that on vs when I try to run my app.I can not run app with the IIS Express option. I...
View ArticleThe record is not being displayed from related table
HiI have two table Authors and Country. Country is the foreign key table of Author. When list authors , the corresponding country is not being showed. Please help in my sqlCountry table CountryId...
View ArticleSuggestion Needed: Syncing Mailbox through API
Hello, I am creating an app that sends and receives emails through different hosting providers IMAP + Office + Gmail. Now the problem that I am facing is that a user can send an email at any point of...
View ArticleCannot implicitly convert type error
My mode class and modelDTO is given below. When I am trying to assign an object entity to another object entity the error is coming Please help in my codeAuthor public class Author { [Key]...
View ArticleIssue with session in core session middle ware.
Hi,we have an issue with the Session Middleware in core . actually if i am trying to access application from one host it's working fine. then with same host if i am trying to access the another...
View Articlecan i pass ioption to an inherited class as the poco?
i have this public SomeClass(IOptions<MyOptions> options) : base(options as BaseConfiguration)but it won't work because it IOption of and not just the class (the base class isn't an ioption)is...
View ArticleQuestion about an issue with a MVC project and views
Hello, So originally the design aspect of a site that was being developed was supposed to be the mvc app would be the site name, essentially root on IIS. Development proceeded and everything was...
View ArticleUpload image array with other fields, not just images.
I currently have the following:@page @model pcore31.AddimgModel @{ Layout = null; } <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"...
View ArticleHelp needed in Authentication
Hello Guys,I am working in .net core 2.2 and i have a requirement that i will need to consume 3rd arty SOAP service and they have certificate based authentication. This is pretty standard in .net...
View ArticleValue from asp-route-id dynamically
Hey guys,How can I select an item on <select> object and send it's value to an asp-route-id?I have this code:<div class="col-8 p-0" style="margin-left:-16px;"><select id="slctProcedure"...
View ArticleWhat is the alternative to Ajax.BeginForms in MVC core
I think in MVC core we no more have the option to use Ajax.BeginForms .. so what is the alternative for Ajax.BeginForm inside mvc core?
View ArticleAjax form is not working inside my razor view
I have the following code inside my razor view:-<form method="get" data-ajax="true" data-ajax-url="/Submission/Create" data-ajax-method="get" data-ajax-update="#panel"...
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