in previous versions of .net I was able to use the 'add new item' mechanism to create an entity data model and build POCO's from an existing database. I can no longer do this in .net core 3. Why is this ? My preferred way of working is to create the database using tools ideally suited to this task, ie enterprise manager for SQL server. I do not like using a code first approach. Why has Microsoft decided this is no longer valid ? Im forced to use a code first approach now ? or use the scaffold-dbcontext ? This is a big step backwards, I cannot be alone in this. Enterprise manager is a much better way to create a database, tables and relationships, after all thats what its designed to do. I simply want to point to my database using a visual tool (which will enable me to select the tables I want create POCO's from) not use a command line interface. Will this mechanism be reinstated at some point ? In my opinion this is a serious retrograde step for developers