WS-Fedaration with ADFS
Have used Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.WsFedaration in ASP.NET core signon page is coming however "User.Identity.IsAuthenticated" is always showing false even after signin with ADFS. Here are...
View Articlehow to use production domain certificate stored on WNS/IIS in .netcore API...
Can some one help me with redirecting my Client web app (running on IIS) to my API running in a docker container.There is loads of info about using self signed certs and development certs, that is all...
View ArticleError with aspnetcore 3.1 identity
hello,i keep getting this error when trying to run a aspnet identity:System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service for type...
View ArticleCannot implicitly convert type...
I get this error trying to modify the UI based on user authorization.This is the code on my View page where I get the error. } @if (await AuthorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, "EditDiscussions"))...
View ArticleHow can GET the column after removing the time part in model class
In my model class public DateTime? ClockDateTime { get; set; } [NotMapped] public string ClockDateFormatted { get { return String.Format("{0:dd/MM/yyyy}", ClockDateTime); } } // I want to change string...
View ArticleHow to implement dynamic roles authorization in web api
I tried roles and policy based authrization. I need to map my dynamic value like this [Authorize(Roles=//set dynamically)]dynamic value from table RS.SupportSertvicesBased on userid i get this role...
View ArticleCore 3.0 Consume API Error 'An invalid argument was supplied'
I have an MVC application that I have written in .net Core, a very small part of the application contains a couple API endpoints that will be access via a console application at a set time. None of...
View ArticleWrapping InputBase Types and Data Binding
I'm trying to wrap derivatives of InputBase components in my own custom component to suit my application.However, I don't seem to be able to get the data-binding to work with the property values always...
View ArticleHow would be possible to replace JsonResult with IAction method on the given...
Just I am looking for to replace the JsonResult method into IAction in the code given belowJavascript function GetClockList() { try { var table = $('#tblData').DataTable(); table.destroy(); } catch...
View ArticleRazor pages - Partial View with different model
Having model Employee and model Document. On Details View I want to show Documents bound to selected Employee.Document model is designed the way it will able to link it to other models (Company, ...)...
View core 3 and entity framework
in previous versions of .net I was able to use the 'add new item' mechanism to create an entity data model and build POCO's from an existing database. I can no longer do this in .net core 3....
View ArticleHow can I pass multiple argument in Ajax call
this is my code given below. I want to pass EmployeeName, ClockedDatetoList along with ID . At the moment id is passing , But I want to pass EmployeeName, ClockedDatetoList to the function...
View ArticleModifying/Molding Identity Net Core to my needs (multi-tenant webapi design)
Hi,I'm building a multi tenant application with dot net core and would like to try to use identity core infraestructure. First, I will try to summarize my DB design related to users/tenants/claims to...
View ArticleNUGET PACKAge with json file.
Hi, I am new to Dot net. I am trying to create a NuGet package for a project having a console Dotnet core having just a JSON file with all config settings. using that NuGet package gives me error for...
View ArticleWhere to use Client Certificate, questions needs your answers?
I am building a small feature in ASP.NET Core Certificate authentication as given in official Note: I...
View Articledatabase error when scaffolding
i am having error when i tries to scaffold a controller "No database provide rhas been configured for this dbcontext. a provider can be configured by overriding the db context.On Configuring method or...
View ArticleASP .Net Core Editors / Prototypes for creating web pages / views - drag and...
Gretings,i am new to web developent but got about 20 years backend programming skills in c#i am trying to find easy solutions to build asp .net MVC pages / views using real-time designers to generate...
View ArticleHelp Needed in Authentication
Hi,I am using core 2.2 and i am trying to implement multi authentication(bearer, basic) for my API. Here is my startupservices.AddOptions();...
View ArticleSendGrid Breaks When Website is Uploaded to Remote Host
I successfully setup email confirmation on my development machine by following these instructions...
View ArticleFileLoadException: During runtime for an assembly "package referenced" (local...
Here's the situation what I am facing core .cs web host project has a reference to package "ABC", version 1.0.1. If I set the package source to restore ABC directly from the feed and...
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