this is my code given below. I want to pass EmployeeName, ClockedDatetoList along with ID . At the moment id is passing , But I want to pass EmployeeName, ClockedDatetoList
to the function ShowDeleteModalPopup. Please can you help
var table= $('#tblData').DataTable({"ajax": {"url": "/Home/GetClockList?employeeid=" + $('#dropdownEmployee').val()+ "&clockdate=" + $('#txtAttendanceDate').val() ,"type": "POST","datatype": "json","dataSrc": function (json) { return JSON.parse(json); } },"columns": [ { "data": 'ID', "width": "6%" }, { "data": 'EmployeeName', "width": "20%" }, { "data": 'ClockedDatetoList', "width": "20%" }, {"data": "ID","render": function (data) { return `<div class="text-center"><a class='btn btn-danger text-white' style='cursor:pointer; width:100px;' onclick="ShowDeleteModalPopup(${data})" ><i class='far fa-trash-alt'></i> Delete</a></div> `; }, "width": "5%" } ],
function ShowDeleteModalPopup(id) {$('#lblID').val(id);$('#deleteConfirmationModal').modal('show'); }